Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Pedometer

I use an OMRON Walking Style Pocket Pedometer.It is the best pedometer I have ever used.You put it in your pocket and forget about it.There is a clip at the end of the little rope that you can use to clip the pedometer to your pocket.The clip recently broke on mine.Since it still runs fine I will not replace my pedometer.Just hope that it doesn't fall out of my pocket.I loved the security of knowing that it was fastened to my pocket.I have replaced this pedometer once thanks to leaving it in a pocket and running it through the washer.I learned my lesson well.

What I love most about my pedometer is that it comes with a computer program.I can download the stats from my pedometer to the program.There is a steps graph that I recently noticed and started using.It divides the total of my daily steps into two categories...either aerobic or non aerobic steps.I am striving to obtain aerobic steps while on my walk.I listen to my i-pod while walking.That in itself helps me to walk at a faster pace which boasts my aerobic steps.

I am down 3 pounds for the week.Finally got around to taking my measurements again so I will have another way to measure how well I am doing.The scale often doesn't go down but measurements do.


  1. My husband wears an omron also, his is the one below the one you have. I bought ours 3 yrs ago. He loves it and uses it everyday. I use something called the directlife which is similar but counts all motion and I also have an online coach I talk with through email. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Mike and I walked the half marathon we didn't run it. It was still very rewarding. Good luck with your new mission.

  2. I have an Omron too and love it. Happy walking.
