Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Weekly Progress

I have decided to have Tuesdays as the day that I post my progress to keep me accountable.
This week I am down 2 pounds.I took my measurements last week so I won't measure again for another month.
Really upped the intensity of my walks which I think is helping.Yesterday my walk was on rolling hills which was different for me.Next year I hope to get back to walking in the park which has rolling hills.It is now closed for the winter and will re-open in April I believe.They are busy getting the Christmas lights and light formations all set up in the park for the annual Christmas lights show that starts on Thanksgiving and ends the week of New Years.
I added in my strength training routines today which I will do on Tuesdays and Thursday.When weather doesn't permit I will go back to riding my stationary bike instead of walking outside.


  1. Sounds like you have a great routine all laid out for yourself. Way to go on the 2 lbs lost. I loved the story about you going with the kids to see apple butter made.

    As for TOPS SRD yes some still have the baggy clothes parade, we still do. We are also going to have a dress alike and family parade this year too. I am excited about this year since I'm doing the planning. I hope it turns out well and people get motivated and inspired.

    Since you didn't say why you haven't rejoined TOPS I hope it wasn't anything bad. Maybe it would be something you would like now. I know for me it has really helped to change my life. Of course it's the people in the chapter you join too and for me the state coordinator was in my little chapter I joined and we took an immediate like for each other and I really think that's why I'm so involved now.

    Hope the weather doesn't cool off to fast where you are. I'm hoping for several more weeks of nice weather.

  2. Hi Nancy,
    I noticed you are following my blog. Nice to hear from you again. It's been a while.

  3. Nancy, you asked about a DC chapter, there is just one now, not really sure where it is located but you could probably look it up on the website www.TOPS.org. That's neat that you all were members long ago. So many or our members are getting older we really need to try to bring in some younger folks too. With it being non-profit we just don't have the money that like weight watchers to tell everyone about it so it's mostly word of mouth.

    Anyway, hope you are doing well. It's getting cold here so I'm guessing it is there too.

    Thanks for checking in on me.

  4. Hope you're doing ok. Good to see you *smile*.

  5. Thank you Nancy for you kind comments on my blog. Are you still walking and keeping count of your steps? I hope you will visit me again.

  6. Nancy - the weather channel says we will get snow flurries and ice. I don't think they are calling for a lot of accumulation. WV has gotten hit hard this year, haven't you? Stay warm!
